Monday, September 14, 2009

Is it Time for Tailored Learning?

The administrators and I just finished reading an article entitled “One Size Does Not Fit All,” centering on the idea that we need to do much more to structure individual student learning experiences at all levels. On the surface, that appears to be a daunting and difficult, if not impossible, task. However, I think we are missing a key element in this process – our students themselves. Having students work collaboratively with us to develop an electronic SILP (Student Individual Learning Plan) might lead to a number of fascinating by-products, including engaging students more fully as partners in the educational process. And, it might free us up as educators to design an infrastructure in which greater flexibility and response to student needs might be priorities.

Given that we are in tenuous financial times, this may provide the impetus for us to begin to explore how we might better create school experiences tailored to what each individual student needs. To me, it is an intriguing and thought-provoking idea. What do you think? As we contemplate a different high school schedule, might this be the cornerstone? I’ll be glad to share your thoughts with the district if you will share them with me. Until next time…..

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