Thursday, December 11, 2008

Keeping the Focus on Students...

One of my favorite quotes is by Dr. Robert Schuller. He once said, “Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.” We know that we are in for challenging times in the months and possibly years ahead. However, it is important to remember that the downturns we are experiencing are not permanent; And, reflecting on the quote I sent to you last week, how we react is often more important that the situations we face. So, I guess the point of today’s blog is to suggest that we need to keep focused; primarily upon the students we serve, remembering that they are experiencing similar feelings to ours with all of the uncertainty surrounding us. We may be the bright spot in their day. Keeping the focus on students, on learning, keeps the focus off of us and our issues. I think we have tough, resilient staff members in our district, capable of withstanding whatever comes our way.
Together, we can overcome obstacles and maintain a positive educational climate in our district. We may also need to be a bit more sensitive to and more respectful of each other as well. Stress is not fun. How we manage stress may be challenging. However, I know that by supporting each other, we provide each other with additional ways to both cope with and survive internal and external stressful situations. In the spirit of the season, I am suggesting that we need to take a deep breath, find ways to relax and reflect, and be thankful that we work in a profession that so profoundly impacts so many people and, in effect, the very future of our community, our state, and our nation. Thanks for reading and I’ll look forward to your responses…

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