Thursday, August 13, 2009

The opportunity to begin anew

We have had a whirlwind two weeks getting ready for today and tomorrow, our first days with our students. I am always buoyed by the attitude of our staff when we all get together at the district convocation. We have a great opportunity to convey that positive energy to all of our students this school year. And, as I’ve said before, we have the greatest opportunity of any profession – the opportunity to begin anew each school year.

“Challenging times make us bitter or better.” I shared that quote with you before the end of last year and it is, of course, still relevant as we begin this year as well. I believe that as a district we continue to choose better and not bitter. We are all better served because of that decision. – to be better for ourselves, our fellow staff members, and most important, our students. I really hope we can find additional ways to positively support each other, our community, and the students we serve during this school year. If you have thoughts about what we might be able to do, please let me know. Have a great school year, USD 373!

John Morton

Monday, August 3, 2009

The possibilities are endless....

Charles Dickens probably said it best: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….. As we prepare to open the 2009-2010 school year, we are faced with a number of unprecedented issues which, I am guessing, will be with us for a longer period of time than we might wish. However, even with such concerns, we look forward to a year of great possibilities for the students of USD 373. This year, hopefully, will allow us to also look at how we might work “smarter and not just harder.” Are there ways we might share resources, organize our instruction in more efficient ways, and more directly engage our students in the learning process? We will most certainly be continuing the discussions we began last February at our all district collaboration. Some will be coming to fruition soon….we will be unveiling our district wide recycling program at the district convocation which will serve as a great model for our students and simultaneously as a way for us to save money as a district. Another area might involve ways to involve the greater Newton community in a more relevant way in the education of our students.

The possibilities are endless…..I look forward to hearing from and having conversations with you during this school year.